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Sergio Donati Julyus


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Posted by Julyus
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D.I.Y Friday… Mix C.D. Place Settings

October 7th, 2011 by Adam@rockmyweddingLeave a reply »

Music is such a big part of your wedding day, and many of you are spending more and more time deciding what live music you’ll have, and also what your wedding playlist will be.

It’s common now to ask your guests for suggestions for the playlist on your Save The Dates. It’s a great idea as it makes your guests feel like part of the celebration from the word go and it helps to ensure a jam packed dance floor on the big day its self.

A nice touch for your favours would be to give guests a selection of tunes from your playlist on a home made mix cd… so why not build the whole thing into your table decor?

Today I am going to show you how to make places settings that double as a cd holder and all you need is one sheet of A4 paper for each place setting… you don’t even need a pair of scissors!

Here Is One I made Earlier…

First of all, to make life super easy for you lovely people, I have popped together a Word template for you to download (we love a free download at RMW). In the document you can see where all the text needs to be in order for it to all fold up correctly. Feel free to use my design and of course you can adapt it to suit your own colour scheme or theme.

Click the icon above to download your fully customisable word template.

Colours, fonts, images – even the paper you choose will have a huge impact on the final item. Think shiny elegant paper with a slender font for contemporary chic, or hand made papers and stamps for rustic DIY. Also, consider how you could personalise the place settings to reflect you, or even your guests – it would be immense to totally personalise the text, images and even the playlist on each place setting. How over the moon would your guests be if they each received a totally bespoke item?

How It’s Done.

Right then, I’m going to use a print-out from the free template download in order to show you how all the folding works. You will see that this place setting is for the fictitious marriage of Adam (me) and Kylie (Minogue), and of course a certain blog queen herself has been invited along to celebrate our big day.

I have used brown parcel paper – I love it and it is so cheap, especially if you buy it by the roll. I cut a sheet of A4 from the roll at an angle to get the lines of the paper running diagonally…

  1. Blank side up, place the centre of the cd hole over the centre point of the shorter side of the paper.
  2. Fold the top and bottom in so that the cd is fitted snugly in the centre.
  3. Carefully fold the cd over toward the centre (make sure the cd doesn’t move too much!)
  4. Fold the other side in so it’s snug against the exposed edge of the cd.
  5. Unfold again. (dead simple this stage)
  6. Fold the corners inline with the folds you did in stage 2.
  7. Tuck the folded edge in between the cd and the paper.
  8. Hey presto! 1 down… 124 to go (based on a wedding with 125 guests).

The Finished Article.

As you can see below, the text all lines up on the front and back to show off your wedding branding, the place setting name, and of course the playlist. If you are using our template you may have to tweak the positions of the text boxes a bit as all printers are a little different. Top tip hold down cmd on a mac or (I think) ctrl on a pc when moving text boxes around in Word – you have much more precision over your movements if you do this.

Simple As That.

So that really is all there is to it. Of course there are a million different uses for these cd covers, but If you are looking to engage your guests, if music is important to you and you are stuck on ideas for favours, I may well have just killed three birds with one stone!

Of course if you do decide to make your guests a mix cd, please make sure you pay for all the music you use!

Have a great weekend folks,


P.S Vix…. see if you can top this D.I.Y Mother!
P.P.S An extra special post coming up tomorrow people…

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윈도우 XP 유저들은 그냥 실행하시면 되고, 윈도우 비스타, 세븐 유저들은 우클릭 해서 관리자 권한으로 실행해주세요.

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총 192개 주소에 대해 nslookup으로 IP를 찾아서 hosts 파일에 넣기 때문에 시간이 조금 걸립니다. 작업이 완료되면 아래와 같은 메시지가 나타납니다.

별로 효과가 없다고 판단되시는 분들은 2번을 눌러서 제거해주세요.

3번 누르시면 메모장으로 hosts 파일을 열어드립니다.

그리고 제가 백신은 안 써서 잘 모르겠는데, hosts 파일 수정되면 백신에서 경고할 수도 있습니다. 저를 의심하시는 분들은 배치파일 열어서 무슨 내용이 들어있는지 한번 보세요. 저는 해킹같은거 할 줄 모릅니다.


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Posted by Julyus
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정재형 MV  (0) 2011.08.08
Capture One Pro 6.2.2 (Mac Os X)  (0) 2011.08.07
Posted by Julyus
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2011. 9. 15. 16:23
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